We are into 2024 just over a week now. How is your New Year’s “Get Fit”…“Workout”…“I’m Transforming My Health/Body This Year” resolution going?
A: “It’s going great Angie! I started day one and am going strong. Not petering out or slowing down! I got this. It’s been only 10 days, but I feel more energy and am just all round happy! I am going to nail my resolution this year!”
B: “I started strong Angie…I promise I did! But I just couldn’t keep up with it all. I failed. I am a failure. I don’t think I can do this. I should just give up.”
C: “You know what Angie…Resolutions really aren’t my thing. But just yesterday, I decided to make a few goals. I may or may not write them down, even though I’ve read somewhere it helps to do so. Nothing crazy though! I kept them small and achievable. I’ve learned that I stay happy and less stressed this way. Because whether it’s true or not, for me, the high expectations tend to involuntarily go hand in hand with resolutions.”
Which one are you?
#A “That’s me! All the way!”
AWESOME! Keep doing what you are doing and stay the course! Consistency is key to seeing results. You got this…Hell, you’re already doing it! Keep up the good work.
#B “Well shit. It got me again.”
No…it didn’t get you, you just weren’t ready. Maybe you went in guns a blazing, with the best of intentions and gumption…when a simple get your toes wet, would have been best. Baby steps are less overwhelming. But hey!!! Don’t count yourself out just yet…not ever!
#C “Oh yeah! That’s me! Small goals, in and on my time, are what drive me!”
That is great! There is no exact MUST START NOW date. There’s you, your body and your desire to get going. You just have to get started.
You may be wondering why I’m even writing about all this. And you may also be thinking you have ME pegged…!
“Hmmmm… what’s Angie? I bet she’s #A all the way!”
…and you couldn’t be more….WRONG 😉
Honestly speaking though, because that’s what I do…
I was a #B…that is until I wasn’t!
Over the years I have grown far more wiser to how my brain works and my body listens… and resolutions, “January 1st’s” for the past 10 years…just don’t resonate with me. Plus, my old tendency to have an “All or Nothing” mindset, that when if it’s not ALL, it most definitely is going to turn into NOTHING, does exactly that and that’s not good…that’s not healthy.
It was that mindset (when dealing with weight/fat loss and muscle gain) that lead me down those dark paths and right back to where it is that I didn’t want to be. Where my resolution was supposed to “rescue me” from.
So you didn’t get started day one of 2024…who cares.
So freaking what!
Maybe you and I are more alike than you thought 😉
The ultimate goal is to just GET STARTED!
Any hour.
Any day.
Any week!
The date doesn’t play into effect until your effort gets put forth.
You are absolutely NOT ALLOWED to throw in the towel on something you desire without ever having started to begin with. And by “start” I mean started and continued…you followed it up with effort and you gave yourself a chance to prove that you can make changes. You can see results.
You just can’t throw in the towel on something, especially when you have nothing for that towel to land on.
That’s called giving in. And yes, I said that right, because in order to “give up” you would have had to had something in place that you tried and tried and tried for, that just never came about. But even then I’d say step back. Reflect. Adjust and try again.
Resolutions, SCHMEZOLUTIONS… (Unless that’s your thang)
The decision lies with you.
Listen to your mind. Your heart and your body.
You got this!