*Click to hear me share "My Reason for Creating Motiv180"

by Angie Billau

You vs. YOU / My Reason For Creating MOTIV180

How many times have you caught yourself saying the following:

“I need to make a change” … or “I’m going to start tomorrow” … or “How’d I let myself get here…again” or especially the “I’ve done it before, so I can do it again!” phrases?

I hate to admit it, but I’ve said those exact words and some not so nice words, a lot over the past 20 years. We really know how to beat ourselves up. Let’s face it, no one can do it quite like us. And it’s EXACTLY because of that admittance, that I find myself sitting here today creating my Motiv180 program.

I have been a personal trainer for almost 20 years and in that time, I consider myself fortunate to have come across so many amazing people. People that came into my life and not only put their trust in me as a trainer, but also as someone that they could talk to. I mean really talk to.

I have heard so many voices, from men to women, telling me in their own words how hard it is or at their lowest, how they feel “worthless” and it’s all a “lost cause” where their health and fitness is concerned. These conversations happen more often than I’d like to count, but it’s reality. And I have been there! Shoot…I still go there.

We all have those days or maybe even weeks, months or YEARS! Especially the way our world has been these past few years. It hasn’t been kind nor easy for some, and I get that…but I also get that it all starts with ME! And by that, I mean YOU!

You are the one who has to dig in.
You are the one who has to control the battle within.
You are the one who has to make the tough choices.
You are the one who has to say, “Enough is enough!”
You are the one who has to wake up each day and remind yourself, “I GOT THIS!”

Let’s turn it around.

Let’s change your attitude not only towards your fitness routine or lack thereof, but also towards YOURSELF!

We are allowed to make U-turns while driving in our car or in the store, like when we walked by that cute summer dress or amazing battery operated drill set and just had to go back for a closer look. So why not make a U-turn with our mindset and how we are approaching our fitness goals.

A 180!

Let’s start facing another direction… a direction that will motivate you to want to do better and get you reaching your goals. A direction that finally gets you to where you want to be and how you want to feel!

My Motiv180 program encompasses all of that and more!

It’s for the REAL people out there. It’s for those that are not only needing that extra push to make the necessary changes, but to also be enveloped by a community that “gets it”.

Yes. I said “necessary changes”. You very well know that in order to make a change in your life, you’ve got to…well…change.

But don’t worry! Because I and the rest of the Motiv180 community will be with you every step of the way!

I don’t want this journey to be daunting or full of eye-popping, mouth-dropping “you want me to do what?” tasks. Because those are the types of journeys that usually don’t lead to longevity. But making it DOABLE, most definitely does!

Doable leads to long, ever lasting good habits and a lifestyle you can enjoy and actually look forward to!

Doable creates positive changes and positive changes create a more happy, peaceful, “love me where I am, because I am amazing” you!


You vs. YOU: "What If..."

Welcome to your first week of MOTIV180 and my first official blog entry to kick off your program!

I know that signing up for a new program (or even the classroom party or bake sale sheet) can be daunting and full of questions, concerns and WHAT IF’s… but lets focus on that last one for today~


Man, that certainly is a loaded question/statement, regardless of how you are applying it. In our scenario though, lets keep it to our health and fitness goals…….


*This post has MOVED to my You vs. YOU Blog page*


You vs. YOU: "When We Are READY to LISTEN"

*Access on the new You vs. YOU Blog Page

Connect with Me

…did you find yourself shaking your head, nodding in aggreance with the words and experiences I shared above? If so…REACH OUT! I’d love to get connected. We can chat further, opening up an outlet for you and possibly see how I can help you START or KEEP STICKING, to your health and fitness journey.


Just Keeping it Real

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