Learning To Hold On To Our Happy (bp. 5)

Learning To Hold On To Our Happy (bp. 5)

I remember reading the following words in a quote-un-quote “smut” novel, I had downloaded for distracting me during my treadmill pounding time (…Yes.  I read whilst I run and sometimes it’s romance and sex and others it’s homicides and playing detective....
How Are You FUELING? (bp. 4)

How Are You FUELING? (bp. 4)

So…How are you fueling? How are you feeling about your fueling? It seems to be the topic of many of my conversations lately. Whether we are trying to get back into routine or trying to figure out what works best for us and our bodies, it truly comes down to...
See Your GOOD! (bp.3)

See Your GOOD! (bp.3)

“Those parts of yourself that you desperately want to hide and destroy will gain power over you. The best thing to do is face and own them, because they are forever a part of you.” ~Janet Mock Ok…let’s be honest…maybe it’s my age...
When You Are Ready To Listen… (bp.2)

When You Are Ready To Listen… (bp.2)

Why is it we hear…but we don’t listen? Yes, this can be related to many situations and people/kids in our lives, but for today we are focusing it on YOU! We do the same damn thing. We hear…but we don’t necessarily listen. Not until we are READY...
You vs. YOU (bp.1)

You vs. YOU (bp.1)

“What IF…” Welcome to your first week of MOTIV180 and my first official blog entry, to kick off your program! I know that signing up for a new program (or even the classroom party or bake sale sheet) can be daunting and full of questions, concerns...