How to Attack Setting Goals

First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS!  You are taking those first steps towards making YOU a priority! That, in and of itself, is an achievement.  So, before you read on any further, acknowledge that.  Acknowledge that you are in fact taking initiative and seeking out the guidance you need to get you to where it is you wanna be.  Seriously!  Say it out loud and let it ring through your empty house or if you’re at work, for all your coworkers in the next office down to hear loud and clear.

“I am taking care of ME!”

“It’s my turn!”

…you can whisper it too. I don’t mind.  I just want you to know that YOU getting started…YOU taking this first step into finding your way…YOU visiting Motiv180…

This is all YOU doing the damn thing!  Whether you actually set it as one or not, this was a GOAL.  Unspoken or unwritten, you being here right now reading these words is GOAL NUMBER 1 ACHIEVED!

Now let’s get into how you need to go about setting a few more goals to tackle and get to checking them off your list!

Setting S. M. A. R. T. Goals

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How to follow through

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If you are taking anything away from the words on this page and are finding yourself nodding along…JOIN ME!  

I’d be absolutely honored to have MOTIV180 be a part of your journey!