You vs. YOU

Your Motiv180 Weekly

How Are You FUELING? (bp. 4)

by | Mar 6, 2023 | You vs. YOU

So…How are you fueling?

How are you feeling about your fueling?

It seems to be the topic of many of my conversations lately. Whether we are trying to get back into routine or trying to figure out what works best for us and our bodies, it truly comes down to CONSISTENCY! Because when you find what works and makes you feel good, we MUST REPEAT and remain CONSISTENT. That is when the true, honest to god magic begins to happen. Think of creating your own personal little ‘groundhog day’ but not so dreary…you can mix it up some.

What I mean by Groundhog Day, is creating something you are able to repeat 80% of the time…with the other 20% falling into the exception of the cheat meal you have been looking so forward to and meals possibly not coming from whole foods and were a quick grab or just plan ol’ sounded good and you listened to your body and hey…you NEEDED it! Notice I said “needed”…but that’s a whole other blog post, that I will have to get into another time.

Below I am sharing with you 5 KEY Tips for creating some SUCCESFUL CONSISTENCY in your day, that will lead you to getting closer to smashing those goals of yours:

  • Try and keep your meals balanced throughout the day and focus on good lean protein sources, quality carbs from whole grains/fruits/veggies and some healthy fats mixed in. Keep this in mind when you grab for or prepare any meal.
  • Get in 4-6 meals a day. Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner being your largest and 1-3 small meals/snacks in between. Try and eat every 2-4 hours! Set a timer if you must! No. Seriously! And I promise you, you aren’t my first client to have to do so. We all need reminders at time and if it’s getting you to eat and properly fuel your body for your day/week ahead…DO IT!
  • Make DOUBLE! Yes! I rarely ever make just enough for one meal. Make plenty, so that you can enjoy those leftovers and not be nailed down in the kitchen every single day. Plan ahead and divvy those servings into your Tupperware! Keep that refrigerator stocked with options.
  • I always advise keeping the staples you and your family love, on hand. For us it’s burrito bowl fixings…which you can honestly make into anything! From salads to quesadillas…you can do a lot with a Tupperware of rice, black beans, your favorite Mexican styled protein and a little lite sour cream and salsa!
  • Water. Need I truly say more….? You know you need it and most likely need MORE of it. Keep it handy and set a goal for yourself. Finish your 32oz by lunch and fill another to finish by 5pm. (2 is better than most…but 3 would be GREAT!)

*If any of my tips above contradict what a doctor has discussed with you or the path you have already found to work for you, then please continue to follow it/them. I am not here to replace what a medical professional has put in place for you, nor what you have found to be working and making you FEEL GOOD! Just keep in mind…”Slow and steady wins the race.”

I hope this post brings you at least a little insight and maybe a nudge or two in the right direction. You just got to give yourself the chance to prove to YOU that you can in fact do this!

I’m right here cheering you on!


Hi there!

My name is Angie Billau. I have been in this fitness game for quite some time and have absolutely loved every minute of it! The ups, the downs and the all arounds…both personally and with my clients. I am creating this blog page, not only for my MOTIV180 members, but also for me! So many times I want to put pen to paper and write down my thoughts…but I let life get in my way. Not anymore! I am using this page to bring a dose of reality into our lives and to let you know that you truly are not alone in this journey of yours. I will bring the laughs…possibly some tears, but most of all… ME! Pure, raw, semi un-edited form. No smoke. No mirrors. Just straight talk. I am hoping that in doing so, the words I share throughout our journey together, help you to keep putting one foot in front of the other and moving closer to your goals!







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