Stop waiting for the “perfect” day or time to get back into that routine or start one for the first time.
Like Nike has taught us…”JUST DO IT!”
Seriously! There is no better bit of simple insight I or anyone else can give you, than to JUST GET STARTED!
Granted there are some rules to follow when you do…BUT these rules shouldn’t keep you on the couch nor from crushing your personal goals!
You get started, but you start at YOUR LEVEL.
It’s all about you! NO one else is doing this for you. It’s all on you! So be sure to get started where you are currently with your health and fitness levels and that you’re not going full speed ahead into a program that starts you where you WANT TO BE! That is a sure fire way to get you sidelined with an injury or other forms of frustration, that keep you from creating a routine you actual enjoy.
By starting where you are, you are giving not only your mind a positive start, but your body as well. Don’t go back to the ‘good ol’ days’ of what you used to be able to do…go to where you are now and BUILD FROM THERE! I promise you, if you remain consistent with your new routine, you will see your strength come back far sooner than you think!
But there is time involved.
No over night miracles.
It will take work on your part, but it’s the kind of work that you will be rewarded for in so many ways…from strength and feeling fit, to a healthier outlook on life, the choices you make and longevity.
So take a moment to think about “WHY?”
Why haven’t you started?
or Why haven’t you kept going?
Answer those questions and confront your thoughts head on! Are they excuses and are these excuses going to keep you right where you are…unhappy with your health…your fitness levels…your body…?
The hardest part of it all is YOU!
You are the one who holds the key. You are the one who can turn it on, take it out of idle and put your ass in gear!
So let’s do it! Let’s get started with a small achievable goal that you can CRUSH TODAY! Then continue to crush it throughout your week! Start making these positive changes and before you know it, you will have more PRO’s than CON’s in your day!
Stop getting distracted by the things that have nothing to do with your goals.