You vs. YOU

Your Motiv180 Weekly

Resolutions and PRESSURE (bp.8)

by | Jan 3, 2024 | You vs. YOU

It’s a NEW YEAR…

with that comes expectations and so much more.

We put a lot on our shoulders during this time and it’s with the best of intentions…

We want to be better.

Do better.

Laugh more.


Be kind to ourselves.

Not rush.

Not procrastinate.

Not yell.

Not fight.



Get strong.

Lose weight.

Be healthy.

Run a marathon.

Walk a 5k.

Read a book.

Stop and smell the roses…

It’s A LOT!

Take this as a friendly reminder to just take it one day at a time.


Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will the changes you plan to make, begin to show in a days time.

Sure…Set a lofty goal for the year, if you must. BUT be sure to set small, achievable goals along the way, that will eventually GET YOU TO WHERE YOU WANNA BE.

Those small goals will transform into habits.…and those habits will lead you to a lifestyle and or mental state, you’ve been craving.

Just take a moment.

Not just today. Every day.

YOU deserve it…so why is it so hard for us to do? Because it’s habitual and it takes time. Like all good things, it takes consistency and consciousness. A conscious effort, that you learn to give to yourself/allow yourself each day!

It’s so much easier to just let the busy take over and the day come to an end…but that doesn’t make it any better on us personally. We know the things we must do and the time we must take, to get us to where we want to be.

Put in that time. You deserve to feel good inside and out.

Small goals…You will get there!

You got this!

Hi there!

My name is Angie Billau. I have been in this fitness game for quite some time and have absolutely loved every minute of it! The ups, the downs and the all arounds…both personally and with my clients. I am creating this blog page, not only for my MOTIV180 members, but also for me! So many times I want to put pen to paper and write down my thoughts…but I let life get in my way. Not anymore! I am using this page to bring a dose of reality into our lives and to let you know that you truly are not alone in this journey of yours. I will bring the laughs…possibly some tears, but most of all… ME! Pure, raw, semi un-edited form. No smoke. No mirrors. Just straight talk. I am hoping that in doing so, the words I share throughout our journey together, help you to keep putting one foot in front of the other and moving closer to your goals!







Upgrade Your Membership Today!

So excited to be sharing my program with YOU! There is a membership for all…whether it’s nutrition and recipe help, workout and goal setting OR all the above! I got something to not only getyou going, BUT KEEP YOU GOING…mixed with some good ol’ fashion laughter, doses of reality and a whole bunch of “YOU GOT THIS!”