You vs. YOU

Your Motiv180 Weekly

See Your GOOD! (bp.3)

by | Feb 26, 2023 | You vs. YOU

“Those parts of yourself that you desperately want to hide and destroy will gain power over you. The best thing to do is face and own them, because they are forever a part of you.”

~Janet Mock

Ok…let’s be honest…maybe it’s my age and the years of hiding and dwelling upon the above mentioned, that gives me my wisdom for these words I share today.

See your good!

Take a moment to instead appreciate the things you love and admire about yourself and your life…Seriously though. How often do you take an extra moment, in the mirror or not, to talk positive? To see your beauty? To acknowledge YOU? To bring a kind attention to the qualities and characteristics that make you the amazing and loved person you are today? I am willing to bet there’s a bit of time in between those self-talks and pick me ups.

Just know this…regardless of your list of pro’s and con’s you can’t help but keep and which one exceeds the other, it’s the PRO’s that will forever outweigh the con’s. Those con’s are what are going to make you stronger and you know why that is? Because it takes an internal, mindful strength to look past them and see what really matters most to you and not what you’re being overly critical and quite possibly unrealistic about.


Even as I type these words to you, they are hitting home with me as well. I am not just spewing advice and then looking the other way…doing the exact opposite of what my words preach. NO. I am feeling them immensely and right down into my core. The moment my fingers begin and finish each meaningful word, I feel a little voice inside saying…

“YES! THIS! This right here Angie! You need to not only advise those around you to SEE THEIR GOOD and ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR STRENGTHS…you need to live it!”

Every god damn day! Like seriously! But I have gotten better and I 110% pat myself on the back for how far I have come. The days of beating myself up, with the end result of only breaking myself down are very few and far between. They truly are and my only regret…not understanding this sooner!

So give yourself that break. Give into YOUR good and let your smile shine through. You wont believe how contagious it can be!

…And don’t be shaking your head at my words thinking I don’t understand and that you have nothing good to share or say when it comes to looking in that mirror…BECAUSE THAT IS ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT! That is you continuing down a path of destruction and made up excuses. That is you taking the easy way out. That is you cowering in your dark place…I can say that, because I have lived it. I GET IT!

So one more time and say it with me this time…



PS. Because I certainly can see it in all of you.

Hi there!

My name is Angie Billau. I have been in this fitness game for quite some time and have absolutely loved every minute of it! The ups, the downs and the all arounds…both personally and with my clients. I am creating this blog page, not only for my MOTIV180 members, but also for me! So many times I want to put pen to paper and write down my thoughts…but I let life get in my way. Not anymore! I am using this page to bring a dose of reality into our lives and to let you know that you truly are not alone in this journey of yours. I will bring the laughs…possibly some tears, but most of all… ME! Pure, raw, semi un-edited form. No smoke. No mirrors. Just straight talk. I am hoping that in doing so, the words I share throughout our journey together, help you to keep putting one foot in front of the other and moving closer to your goals!







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