Do you ever stop to think and consider that your workouts just may possibly mean far more to you and your body than the average reaching weight loss, strength and “feeling good in my swimsuit again” goals?
Think deeper.
Think about the changes you can make within your body, that go far deeper than the external. Yes…what’s on the outside is important to us…I know it is for many and that’s more of a personal battle than a caring what everyone else looks like thing. I will be the first to raise my hand and say I am guilty…I want to feel good. And in order for me to truly feel good inside, I need to love and appreciate what’s on the outside.
But let’s not veer too far off the topic, because you all know I can easily do that!
Today I am talking about the benefits your workouts give not just your body, but your mind.
Being the human beings that we all are, we can’t help but spend most of our days thinking about ALL the things and feeling ALL the emotions. It’s what helps us to make it through and navigate what would otherwise be an impossibly complex world. Each and everyday, we are required (whether we want to or not) to plan our and possibly our kid’s day, to make the tough decisions, to remember all that and more, to process all the other information thrown at us and on top of that… pay attention. Just as these cognitive skills allow for us to move through the world, so too do our emotions. Feelings of fear, doubt, sadness, grief, anxiety, anger, and happiness are all powerful signals we use to guide our lives. Exciting research shows that aerobic exercise—such as walking, jogging, biking, swimming, and using an elliptical trainer—can have profound beneficial effects on both cognitive and emotional processes (NASM, Smith et al., 2010).
We all know the common, most known about benefits when it comes to exercise…and if not, reach out! I will most certainly fill you in;) Besides the obvious let’s start to think deeper and add another PRO to your list of WHY you should get moving!
Getting outside, taking that walk, going for a bike ride or heading to the gym to get your cardio on, has proven to be helpful in maintaining your cognitive thinking skills! And get this…the more you stay committed to your routine, the longer those skills hang around later in life! So next time you think you are going to skip that sweat sesh, because your brain needs a break…it may actually be craving some exercise!
In one of the most impressive longitudinal studies on this subject, researchers followed more than 2,700 young people (aged 18–25) for 25 years. They found that the study subjects who remained the most physically fit exhibited the strongest neurocognitive abilities when assessed after 25 years. In particular, people who maintained their cardiovascular fitness performed better on complex thinking tasks (Zhu et al., 2014). Therefore, it’s important to share with clients that early investments in exercise appear to provide protection in later years.
I hope this sheds just a shimmer more light on yet another great reason you should start a workout routine! Let’s continue to out do our yesterday and create a lifestyle we enjoy and THRIVE in, inside and out.