You vs. YOU

Your Motiv180 Weekly

Learning To Hold On To Our Happy (bp. 5)

by | Mar 30, 2023 | You vs. YOU

I remember reading the following words in a quote-un-quote “smut” novel, I had downloaded for distracting me during my treadmill pounding time (…Yes.  I read whilst I run and sometimes it’s romance and sex and others it’s homicides and playing detective. lol) but back to the words that not only immediately resonated with me, but have stuck in my mind since my eyes read them and my heart heard them.

It went something like this…

…Why is happiness so fleeting, yet sorrow lingers on…

At that moment in time and where I was in my life, it hit me like a ton of bricks and made more sense than I’d like to admit. To this day, I find myself repeating it in my head and sharing it with others, whom I know can understand the true depth of those words that have been strung together so perfectly.

I try and turn it around though, regardless of it’s truth…because let’s face it, it is absolutely 110% true. I think it’s one of the smartest most thought-provoking statements I have yet to hear, but one I try my damndest to prove wrong. And here is why…

Ever have a day, when you feel invincible and on top of the world? The kind of day that you wake up and feel like you’ve drank from the fountain of youth and had an IV of straight caffeine to your blood stream and a nootropic wave of mental clarity, that is immeasurable to anything you’ve experienced? You’re happy. Patient. Smiling. Laughing. Hyper and PRODUCTIVE as all hell! It’s those days and those feelings, that I want nothing more than to bottle up and have at the ready, whenever I need…BUT instead, they are few and far between and like happiness, ever so fleeting.

So, I go back to the words I read and shared with you above…I compare this feeling of euphoria to utter happiness and want desperately to cling onto it and fight that battle within that we ignite and let rage inside ourselves, that tends to seep in and sop it all up. I hate that and I hate that I know I have more control over it, than I am giving myself credit for.

Are you able to stop?

Are you aware of these sudden changes? Are you able to acknowledge your change of moods and take a little recon of what has changed and reassess your feelings?

Can you hold on to those feelings of productivity, energy, euphoria and fulfillment or do you let yourself and all around you, suck that glorious feeling out of you?

I wish I could say I wasn’t that person. The one who let’s it all take over. I wish I could say that I have mastered the key to keeping that feeling bottled up and that I have the secret to share with you right now, but I am still learning…BUT at least I am now more aware of it and the fact that I want nothing more than to learn to handle it better, is what keeps my focus and drive for wanting to learn a better way for myself.

To do better.

To feel better… more days than not.

I let far more outside sources and even MYSELF, affect me more than I should…and that’s a ME problem.  I know that.  I am working on it. My goal is to always take note of those feelings and also the feelings that can disrupt. But not only take note…take action. Tell myself to stop. To slow down. To breath…To not do so much or put that pressure on. It’s taking those moments that truly help, but it’s remembering to take those moments to recenter and assess, that are the tough part. 

This “Happiness” and “Sorrow” can present itself in many forms. From day to day feelings or the grief of having lost someone or something. So please be fair to yourself and properly assess the reason for your emotions. What is truly at the root of the change and if it’s tears that need to fall due to loss, DO NOT HOLD THEM BACK, but do try to embrace the HAPPY that you shared with that person, pet or place.

Happiness and sorrow come from many moments in our lives. Past, present or future. Just acknowledge your emotions and the why behind them and together we will not only learn more about ourselves, but find the secret to holding on to the those amazing moments of production, laughter, energy and hype.

We so quickly go to the negative at times. Let’s keep it positive…for us. Let’s hold those feelings and get that lid ready to bottle them up. 😉

Hi there!

My name is Angie Billau. I have been in this fitness game for quite some time and have absolutely loved every minute of it! The ups, the downs and the all arounds…both personally and with my clients. I am creating this blog page, not only for my MOTIV180 members, but also for me! So many times I want to put pen to paper and write down my thoughts…but I let life get in my way. Not anymore! I am using this page to bring a dose of reality into our lives and to let you know that you truly are not alone in this journey of yours. I will bring the laughs…possibly some tears, but most of all… ME! Pure, raw, semi un-edited form. No smoke. No mirrors. Just straight talk. I am hoping that in doing so, the words I share throughout our journey together, help you to keep putting one foot in front of the other and moving closer to your goals!







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