January 1st? Next Monday? Tuesday? (bp. 9)

January 1st? Next Monday? Tuesday? (bp. 9)

We are into 2024 just over a week now. How is your New Year’s “Get Fit”…“Workout”…“I’m Transforming My Health/Body This Year” resolution going? A: “It’s going great Angie! I started day one and am going strong. Not petering out or slowing down! I got this. It’s been...
Resolutions and PRESSURE (bp.8)

Resolutions and PRESSURE (bp.8)

It’s a NEW YEAR… with that comes expectations and so much more. We put a lot on our shoulders during this time and it’s with the best of intentions… We want to be better. Do better. Laugh more. Forgive. Be kind to ourselves. Not rush. Not procrastinate. Not yell. Not...
It’s Deeper Than You Think (bp. 7)

It’s Deeper Than You Think (bp. 7)

Do you ever stop to think and consider that your workouts just may possibly mean far more to you and your body than the average reaching weight loss, strength and “feeling good in my swimsuit again” goals? Think deeper. Think about the changes you can make...
Just GET STARTED! (bp. 6)

Just GET STARTED! (bp. 6)

Stop waiting for the “perfect” day or time to get back into that routine or start one for the first time. Like Nike has taught us…”JUST DO IT!” Seriously! There is no better bit of simple insight I or anyone else can give you, than to...