You vs. YOU

My "WHY" behind creating my MOTIV180 Program

How many times have you caught yourself saying the following:

“I need to make a change” … or “I’m going to start tomorrow” … or “How’d I let myself get here…again” or especially the “I’ve done it before, so I can do it again!” phrases?

I hate to admit it, but I’ve said those exact words and some not so nice words, a lot over the past 20 years. We really know how to beat ourselves up. Let’s face it, no one…

"Wait...Can I do this?"

Hell yes!


You have just got to give yourself the chance to prove to YOU that you can!

That you can actually want something bad enough, that you will begin to make the changes that are going to get you to seeing results and where you want to be! I believe in you…now it’s time for you to do the same.

See Your GOOD! (bp.3)

See Your GOOD! (bp.3)

"Those parts of yourself that you desperately want to hide and destroy will gain power over you. The best thing to do...

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You vs. YOU (bp.1)

You vs. YOU (bp.1)

"What IF..." Welcome to your first week of MOTIV180 and my first official blog entry, to kick off your program! I know...

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